20 May AMA - Summary
We have completed the GOMAsterchef contract, with one adjustment to the structure and functionality of the contract in order to maximize its purpose.
Initially we would’ve likely the BNB Reflections from GOMAx to go straight into your wallet, however due to the complexicities of our GOMAx reflection tracker the combination of the technologies required a small adjustment.
Once you stake GOMAx into the staking contract you will earn your BNB directly to the contract, and be able to claim it when you prefer. This is a minor difference with very little implication — and zero GOMAx tax.
2. Certik
As discussed we are in the onboarding process, everything is signed and we are awaiting the goahead to provide the profile page to the community to show that we are infact onboard into their process.
They have said they cannot give absolute dates for completion of the audit, however you will be able to follow their progress live as they complete each phase and stage accordingly.
3. CEX — tokenomics and holdership
Specific we are in talks with one specific CEX, which was mentioned in the AMA, who have stated after many weeks of attempting to find out the progress that we need to get more of our V1 holders over to V2 before they will consider us for listing.
This is one of the key reasons why we have spent the last few weeks reminding V1 holders that they must switch as soon as possible, so that we can take these moves in the direction that V2 was intended.
GSWAP is working perfectly, and is effectively allowing all V1 holders pre-April 15 at 3:59PM to swap from FROM V1 to GOMA V2.
This may be stopped temporarily or permanently at the start of July when we removed the final liquidity from GOMA V1.
GOMA V1, Remaining Liquidity
The Remaining liquidity will be removed at the beginning of July from GOMA V1, and it will be used in 2 ways:
- To buy back and burn current GOMA V2; to increase price and reduce supply
- To give back to GSWAP users who swap before the removal of this liquidity at the start of July.
Focus on Partnerships for the GOMA Launchpad:
A major upgrade to the GOMA.fi ecosystem platform is the building of the GOMA LAUNCHPAD for new and growing projects.
The idea behind this is to establish more partnerships and bring new investors / communities into the GOMA ecosystem to grow our holdings and establish ourselves with much broader reach.
A new staking partner has been vetted and verified for our first Launchpad launch — waiting for them to put together promotional packaging before we announce.
NFT Partnership
We have been fortunate enough to be given 10 NFTs from our partners over at STEM for the NFT drop of BeatMyTeam.com — this is 1 of MANY.
Over the next few days we will highlight the details and the criteria, and begin collection snapshots of GOMA holders to identify potential raffle winners.
NFTs and CMC airdrop
As our NFTs are focused heavily on the Metaverse/GOMAVERSE narrative, the designs have proven to be a little bit more complex to establish and that has been our primary delay. We simply do not want to release half-baked NFTs in order to beat a deadline, but we are well on our way to being able to produce and provide the first set of samples for the community by next week.
AND We are currently in talks with CMC about the airdrop.
We are in the process of putting together more details around how the drop will work, the price and how many we will be giving away to GOMA holders.
GOMAx reflections to restart on the 23rd of May 2022 ( midnight UTC ).
GOMA Redistribution
GOMA redistribution to restart on the 24th of May 2022, after assessing GOMAx redistribution.