GOMA TO THE… 05 June 2022
What a day :)
It’s so good to end a 24 period with results, and with a plan moving forward — and we appreciate your patience, we are hugely fortunate to have a community that trusts in our ability to find solutions, and push forward.
Lets get straight to the solutions, and the reasons will come after.
👉👉 Firstly for GOMAx
Understandably, there are many questions about the drop of GOMAx value and the impact on the overall GOMAx liquidity, and of course we would love to answer all of them right away but some may take a little bit of time to ‘iron out’ as a long-term prospect.
Our initial plan is to open GOMAx for trading so that atleast our secondary token can continue to deliver BNB reflections to holders of GOMA so that value distribution continues. At this time, short-term, the saving grace would be price growth and volume growth to enable both ‘resolution for lost value’ and also increase liquidity for BNB reflections — we hope this atleast softens some of the blow of the current status (for now).
Ontop of that, looking at a longer term approach to satisfy holders whereby a buy-back and burn process will take place at specific periods (to be decided) using respective funds to provide a longer term holder proposition.
Of course we do not want to relaunch GOMAx itself (so it isnt the immediate discussion at this stage), so the procedure may be resolved in the medium term by enabling the pre-mentioned process — it may turn out to bring a bigger fortune to the ecosystem holders itself with new holders coming in at a lower price, even if it becomes a store and distributor of additional value (BNB / which is the primary objective anyway with an additional earning).
The GOMAx plan will be ongoing, and continue to be considered carefully while considering all investors and ecosystem stakeholders — and to do everything we can to make sure that existing investors are considered as the number one priority in our plans in any adjustment moving forward (consensus required).
👉👉 GOMA… oh GOMA, we love you.
For GOMA, we have relaunched GOMA V2 (still V2 already 😉 just a new contract address), we have enabled trading and additional features for security:
- in particular a multi-sig wallet for ownership, and
- a less lenient ownership role to avoid “owner” transferral and adaptations without specific criteria
We also removed the feature that made the previous challenge occur, which was an OPERATOR function that had an old address in it during the testing phase which allowed undesignated access to certain owner characteristics.
- We already relaunched GOMA on BSCSCAN
OLD GOMA: →GOMA ON BSCSCAN https://bscscan.com/address/0x9EC55d57208cb28a7714A2eA3468bD9d5bB15125
→NEW GOMA: GOMA ON BSCSCAN https://bscscan.com/address/0x25c54f9b99ee53ee7ab769d5897b886fe661bd2c
Name: GOMA
Decimals: 9
- We already relaunched GOMA ON POOCOIN
→GOMA ON POOCOIN https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x25c54f9b99ee53ee7ab769d5897b886fe661bd2c
- We are almost complete populating the holder list and removing scam/dear addresses, and are almost entirely complete transferring ALL CURRENT HOLDER tokens to holders automatically.
This will not require GSWAP — our mess, our expense.
- We have added two thirds of the liquidity so far and will continue to add at different levels, and set certain parameters to increase the price on a gradual incline from a lower reference price to a higher one, so that we have growth context from the start.
→ Currently back at $0.0000000019 already
- We have contacted BSCSCAN and COINMARKETCAP and COINGECKO.
- This process is aimed at not being cumbersome on anyone, and is managed automatically throughout.
- We have already burned 740 000 000 000 000 ( Trillion ) tokens straight from the token launch
→GOMA BURN PROOFS: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xad67a92c3450236f5592435a8901493e0dc09939ec7299902323fe8c87c17c88
- We have already redeployed a new GOMA-TORII staking contract with the new V2, and have transferred the new GOMA to the staking contract — we are in the process of migrating all users (this will be done by no later than tomorrow AND we will compensate for the torii values over the next 2 weeks)
NEW GOMA-TORII STAKING CONTRACT: https://bscscan.com/address/0x5A0f36345107DAe1D21D75ccb5B951da4Cd4410a
- We will be doing a giveaway from our treasury to atleast provide older GOMAx holders with some value that has been lost.
UPDATE: the 3Trillion GOMA initially designated for biggest buy giveaway has been assigned to GOMAx holders who held before the incident, and still hold.
PANCAKESWAP: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?outputCurrency=0x25c54f9b99ee53ee7ab769d5897b886fe661bd2c
I would like to start by explaining what happened.
We have spent the last 6 months continuously building our team, mostly to continue to produce opportunities for everyone and establish ourselves as a leader in the space. Of course it takes more than that, however it is our focus to keep building.
The more you build, the more opportunity for circumstances to have gaps however of course the quicker you act the better you can become at safeguarding investor interests.
Our processes get updated regularly and our actions to counteract this kind of behaviour continue to improve. In this circumstance, removing GOMA liquidity was our safeguard to protect our ecosystem, and our actions thereafter even more so.
One of our senior developers, who passed a significant test of due diligence, gained access to our contracts through a feature in the GOMAx smart contract allowing ‘operator’ addresses to test features that would normally only be for an “Owner” (incase of a renounced contract or multiple developer testing environment). He was one of our key testers and managed to add an additional function during the deployment process, which gave him access to GOMAx and GOMA owner functions.
As soon as this began our system began to send us notifications, and we acted in the most appropriate and fastest way we could to thwart this act.
The result of this will be to continue growing and building our pre-emptive strategies, and make sure that deployment processes have a more stringent approach to mitigate this kind of risk as much as possible — but we must remember that the only real protection is continuous progress and learning; which an important part of our growth.
His details have been released to the police as an international financial criminal charge (however unfortunately crypto is a tough nut to crack…); and we are in the process of distributing his details to the respective parties who can help us to atleast get some legal assistance — we will update accordingly, and possibly make them public if no further legal action is possible.